Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday September 24, 2010

Friday morning and I am not as tired as I thought I would be. The temperature is going to drop today. I am now doing my exercises at 100%. It was suppose to rain this morning so I wore my raincoat and shorts for my trip to the MAC. Of course it did not rain. It did rain hard while I was inside the MAC. I delayed my leaving for about 15 minutes to allow the rain to pass over. At the Kava House I did read both the DFP and WSJ but I found nothing that caught my fancy.

I had my normal lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer's Garden. ArtPrize has some large sculptures located at the Gardens. Nancy and I walked around and viewed the sculptures. I like large metal sculptures. I think Nancy likes paintings. After the Gardens we stopped and got some beer because tonight we are attending an OHNA TGIF party.

The TGIF was held at 901 Chippewa and it was billed as a backyard get-together. However, everyone spent most of the evening inside. The temperature had dropped to the 50s. Yesterday it was in the high 80s. We talked to a lot of neighbors and it was good to see such a large turnout. After the party we went straight to bed.

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