Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday September 27, 2010

Monday morning and I get up at 0650. The temperature was in the high 40s when we got up. It was also dark because sunrise is not until 0736. I am back doing my routine at 100%. After the at home routine I get on the AT and head for the MAC. This morning I am layered to protect against the cold. My bike helmet has a lot of exposed area so I might have to get out the snowboard helmet. The snowboard helmet is much warmer than a traditional bike helmet.

The MAC was very crowded. I guess everyone is now back on the fall schedule. Being Monday I shaved my head and face this morning. When I left the MAC the sun was shining brightly. I read both the WSJ and DFP but I must be so saturated with all the negative political reporting that I did not find anything worth commenting on.

When I got home I had a quick lunch. As a sure sign of colder weather I loaded up my car with all my wool sweaters and coats and headed to Master Cleaners. My big project this afternoon is cutting the grass. The grass was quite long and so it took me 3.5 hours to get the job done. This evening Nancy had to work at the gardens so Ms P and I were home alone. For dinner tonight I had cereal but instead of using milk I mixed some plain yogurt with the cereal. It was quite good. I read the paper and watched a little TV. Nancy got home about 2030. I headed upstairs at 2045 to write this blog. Remember as the days get shorter and colder you must still get your daily 30 minutes outside.

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