Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tuesday September 21, 2010

Tuesday and I am slowly getting back into my weekday routine. I increase my exercises to 67% and at both home and the MAC, I had no shoulder pain. I even remembered to order a medium at the Kava House because it is Tuesday, free refill day.

After lunch I head to Rylee's Hardware to get some bolts and nuts to attach my rear light on my bike. It is so dark in the morning I need a light. I also spend part of the afternoon trying to clean up my desk. I am not very successful. On Monday I took a 3 mile walk in the afternoon but today I cannot because I have to get ready for an event at the GR Public Museum.

Artprize starts on Wednesday. This is the second year that the art competition is being held in GR. Last year Artprize was a huge success. Many artists have their work displayed at the museum. Tonight's event is a sneak preview. Snack and free drinks are provided for members of the museum. Nancy and I had a great time. It was nice because we were able to talk to several artists. Artists from all over the USA and 14 countries have their work on display. Of course a $250,000 first prize is a good incentive.

When we got home we noted that the TV was posting severe thunderstorm warnings for the area. After we had gone to bed the storm really blew through. Ms P got very hyper and the wind was very strong. A warm front was in back of the storm.

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