Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday September 28, 2010

Tuesday morning and I get up at 0700. Today I am changing my routine. Instead of a light breakfast after my at home routine, I will eliminate the at home routine and do all my exercises at the MAC. Breakfast will be after the MAC but before the Kava House. Everything seemed to work out fine. After breakfast I headed to the Kava House and had my coffee, free refill Tuesday, and read the papers.

When I got home from the Kava House I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails and Millennium Park. I wore my GPS so I now know my standard ride is 15 miles. It was a beautiful fall day and perfect for a bike ride. I think all the robins have headed south because I have not seen one is a week. I thought I saw a loon in one of Millennium Park's ponds. Could I be wrong?

Tonight Nancy is fixing her special dish for dinner. We are having pasta with tomato sauce. We are also going to watch NCIS at 2000.

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