Friday, December 8, 2023

December 7, 2023

Thursday December 7, 2023

Blog time 1600 on Friday the 8th.  Sitting in office.

Up at normal time, 0730.  No at home breakfast. We have to clear out fast because the cleaning crew comes this morning.

We drive to MVP.  Nancy does her treadmill and stationary bike and I do my calisthenics.  Shower and then head to Panera.  Today we did the Panera near our old condo.  We have some errands to run in that end of town.  

Tonight we are attending a Holiday Party at Meijer Gardens.  It is a semi formal affair.  That means I have to wear a tie.

I located my ties in our basement locker.  Also brought up a relatively unused sports coat.  

Nancy picked out a tie for me.  Nancy really looked great.  We should go our more often.  Left home at 1630.

A large crowd attended the party.  The Gardens was very festive.  Christmas trees from around the world decorated the place.  

The Gardens provided a great selection of food.  I tried the miniature lamb chops and fish and chips.  The dessert selection was also great.

I was surprised that we knew many folks.  Another surprise was I did not have any alcohol.  Don't like to drive at night after several glasses of wine.

We got home at 2130, Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and read the WSJ.

This and that:

I have lost interest in the upcoming election.  Why can't a nation of 300 million only have two old idiots running.  I will again vote for a third party candidate.

I have been following the reporting from the Ukraine and Israeli.

I sure hope Congress funds the war in Ukraine.  

I have been, until recently, a loyal GOP member.  However, the GOP in Michigan is run by idiots.  I now consider myself an Independent.

The weather continues to be dark and gloomy.  Temps in mid 30s.

Today is Pearl Harbor day.  Japan on this date in 1941 made a surprise attack on the Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  I knew several Navy men who were stationed at PH on the day of the attack.  It was terrible.  

How many teenagers today know the story behind the Pearl Harbor attack.  It had a major impact on life in the USA.  


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