Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 11, 2023

 Monday December 11, 2023

Blog time 1550 sitting in office

Up this morning at my usual 0730

Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast

Left for MVP at 0900.

This morning Nancy swam and I did my weekday calisthenics.

MVP was not crowded. 

After MVP we drove to Panera for a cookie and scone.  The cookie today was free.  I read the Michigan papers and checked email.  

After Panera we headed straight home.  My cold is lingering on.  Took a nap.

Tonight we attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the Main Dining Hall.  I had shrimp cocktail with coleslaw.

Tonight we watched a new show “Hidden Assets” on scorn.  I gave it an A-.

After the show Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  I am tired of reading about Hunter Biden.  I not to fond of reading about his father, Joe, either.

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