Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3, 2023

Sunday December 3, 2023

Blog time 1600 sitting at desk.

I am so far behind on my blogs that I will write a brief summary.

Debbie arrived from San Jose on the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving morning the three of us drove to Gaylord for Thanksgiving dinner.  21 folks were in attendance. Plenty of turkey and stuffing.  A great time was had by all.  

We stayed the night in Gaylord.  On Friday Debbie drove us home.  We had to take the Fusion because the Escape was still in the body shop.  A downside to Thanksgiving was that we all got the flu.  Bummer!

Debbie left for San Jose on Saturday, 24 November.  We have spent the last week recovering.  We resumed our normal schedule but on a reduced schedule.

Missy and AJ had Thanksgiving dinner at the Boat Club.  They resumed their confusing school schedule last week.  AJ loves the school in San Diego.  Missy is thinking getting permanent digs in San Diego.

Last week was the first week of Debbie’s retirement.  Unfortunately she was sick.

Today Nancy and Bob resumed our normal Sunday routine.  Church was very crowded.  

This afternoon I took a long nap.  It is now 1600 and Nancy is on a walk outside.

Light dinner tonight and then we will watch 60 Minutes.  I hope I never get this far behind on my blog.  Enjoy the Holiday season.


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