Wednesday, December 6, 2023

December 5, 2023

 Tuesday December 5, 2023

Another dark gloomy day ahead.  Temps in 30s.  Yucky!

We followed our normal morning routine.  After MVP we ended up at Panera for our morning coffee.

Today Nancy has lunch with Cheryl Boomer and friends.  While Nancy was at lunch I made a quick shopping trip to Forest Hills Foods.  Bought fiber sticks, yogurt, cookies and granola.

This afternoon we attended a party for the folks living on our floor.  Nancy and I took eggnog and apple cider.  Most folks brought dessert.  I filled up on cookies and candy.  The party had about 25 folks in attendance.  No need for dinner tonight.

Last week Chase sent me new credit cards.  My old card expires this month.  I put the card in a safe place.  Wouldn't you know I forgot where I put it.  Tore the office apart with no luck.

The gloomy winter weather is getting to me.  Today I bought tickets for San Jose.  We are spending most of January at Debbies. 

Tonight we watched "All the Light We Cannot See" on Netflix.  Good show. 

Before Debbie retired I had her get me an Apple Laptop.  It was inexpensive.  I am writing this blog on the new machine.

Following our normal evening procedure after watching TV, Nancy headed to bed and I read the WSJ.

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