Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 12, 2023

 Tuesday December 12, 2023

Over slept today. Did not get up until 0800.  Yogurt parfait for breakfast.  Drove to MVP for our morning workout. 

I did my weekday calisthenics and Nancy walked on treadmill and rode the stationary bike.  I showered, put on lotion and then Nancy and I drove to Panera.

This time of year my skin gets very dry, especially my hands.  We are going to buy a humidifier.  I sure hope that will help.

I am slowly getting over my Thanksgiving cold.  Called Debbie and she is also recovering.  

Temp in 20s this morning but by 1000 it has reached high 30s. We did see some sun today.

Missy texted us saying the boat club she belongs to had a fire.  Don’t know the extent of the damage.

Debbie despite her cold is enjoying retirement.  We will spend time at Debbie’s in January.  Look forward to some bike riding.

Cook Valley is having a “7 Days of Christmas” festival.  Last night was the 2nd night.  Nancy attended a string quartet concert.  At 1700 we had a great dinner with free wine.  The menu was “Smoked Bone-in Pork Chop with Lingonberry Braised Beans & Greens, Herbed Pesto, and Creamy Cheesy Polenta.  Chocolate Peacan Pie for dessert.  

We had dinner with the Moores.  The Moores lived on Gladstone before moving to Cook Valley.

After dinner we watched another episode of “Hidden Assets”.  Nancy then headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

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