Monday, December 11, 2023

December 10, 2023

 Sunday December 10, 2023

Blog time 1230 on Monday Dec 11, sitting in office

Sunday morning up at 0730.  

Fixed a yogurt/parfait for breakfast.

We thought church would be crowded today.  However, most of the staff and church member were absent with the flu.  Nancy and I are slowly getting over our bout.

After church we took a drive.  Today we headed north on Pettis.  It was dark and gloomy with temps in high 30s but the farm houses along our route were decorated for Christmas.  Nancy liked the drive.

We stopped at Panera for coffee.  I took a long afternoon nap.  I did not go outside today but Nancy took a mile walk.

We had a very light dinner tonight.  Watched the “Night Manager” before turning in.

Missy called this evening.  We had a nice talk.  

Debbie is over her bout with flu.

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