Wednesday, December 6, 2023

December 4, 2023

 Monday December 4, 2023

Up at our usual time of 0730

Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.

Nancy and I drove the Escape to MVP.

Another dark gloomy day with  temps in 30s.

We are still both recovering from our Thanksgiving colds.

Nancy did her Monday swim and I did calisthenics at 50%.

We had morning coffee at Panera.

Read the morning news.  The war in Gaza dominates with side stories about Trump vs Biden and Taylor Swift.

Today my project is to make a payment for Grandson Lucas's UCI tuition.  Years ago I set up a Michigan Education Fund for each of the Grandkids.  

Today I called the fund and they sent a check to UCI.  Very easy.

We attended Happy Hour and then had our dinner in the Main Dining Room.  I had clam chowder and Nancy had a shrimp cocktail.

Tonight we watched "The Night Manager" on Brit Box.  After the Show Nancy headed to bed and I read the WSJ. 

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