Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 21, 2023

 Thursday December 21, 2023

Blog time 1610 December 24, 2023

Today is the winter solstice, shortest day of the year.

Up this morning at 0730, yogurt breakfast before heading to MVP.

MVP was jammed this morning.  Folks must be trying to get a head start on weight loss.  Most folks put on mega pounds during the Christmas season.

Today is another unseasonably warm day.  I checked last year’s blog and it was cold with snow.  We were also getting ready to sell the house on Tahoe.

After MVP we drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  This morning after coffee we stopped at Costco and Meijer’s to check on Nancy’s medicine.  Pills not ready until Dec 24 at Meijer’s and December 26 at Costco’s.  Our 2024 goal is to use only Meijer’s for medicines.

This afternoon it was warm enough for a short bike ride. Followed, of course, by a short nap.

Attended Happy Hour, followed by dinner in main dining room.  A lot of folks have left for the holidays. The dining area was empty.

Friday, December 22, 2023

December 20, 2023

Wednesday December 20, 2023

Blog time 1615 on Friday December 22

We followed our standard routine today.

Up at 0730.  Fixed oatmeal with Blueberries.  Nancy never eats breakfast.  

Another mild day in GR.  Temps will reach 40.  I cannot remember a warmer December in Michigan.  Global warming?

We usually head to MVP between 0830 and 0900.  Today is Nancy's swim day and I stick to my weekday calisthenics.

For health reasons Nancy no longer drives.

MVP is a little over a mile from our apartment.  After my workout I shower and apply dry skin lotion.  My big problem this time of year is keeping my hands well lubricated.  Aveeno does not work.  My best luck has been with cetaphil.  I apply at least 5 times daily.

After our workout we headed to Panera.  Ordered two scones (1 for each of us) and coffee.  We both spend some time reading on our iPads. After Panera we run errands.

Rest of day's activities:

Nap, Happy Hour, Dinner and then some TV.  Tonight we watched the last episode of "The Night Manager".

I finish my day reading the WSJ.  

This and that:

I still cannot figure out why so many American do not back Israeli.  Clearly Hamas is responsible for the military action.

The Super performance of the stock market is a surprise.

The lack of support by some Americans for Ukraine surprises me.

The US Navy is in bad shape.  Congress has to make a major effort to bring it up world class.

AHS has a great hockey team.  Basketball not so much.



Thursday, December 21, 2023

December 19, 2023

 Tuesday December 19, 2023

Blog time 1645 on Thursday

Today we followed our normal Tuesday routine.

MVP, Panera and a quick stop at Meijer’s.

This afternoon I took a bike ride.

Dinner in the main dining room.

Watched an episode of “Shetland” before turning in.

December 18, 2023

 Monday December 18, 2023

Blog time 1630 on Thursday the 21st.

Start of new week.

Up, dressed and headed to MVP.

Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics.

After showering we headed Panera for our morning coffee.

My memory is foggy.  I cannot remember what we did today.

I do know that the news would mention, Hamas and Israel, Taylor Swift and the chatter from Trump and Biden.

We attended Happy Hour and had dinner in the main dining room.  Watched some TV.  Nancy headed to bed first.  I finished the evening reading the WSJ.

December 17, 2023

 Sunday December 17, 2023

Blog time 1625 on Thursday Dec 21

Sunday:  we attended the 0915 service at Trinity.

This afternoon Nancy and I attended her book club’s Christmas party at the Moleski’s.

In attendance were Linda and Tom Moleski, Tim Mask, Connie Cady and Bob and Nancy.  Linda had chicken and beef, with grilled vegetables.  Chocolate cake for dessert.  It was all very good.

This will be our last book club event.  Nancy resigned at the last meeting.

We were home at 1600.  Light dinner before watching some TV.

December 16, 2023

 Saturday December 16, 2023

Blog time 1600 on Thursday 21 Dec.  Yes I am behind.

As usual we had Saturday breakfast at “The Gathering Place”.  The restaurant was jammed.

 We had our usual fare.  Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal for me.  After breakfast we took our Saturday ride north to Ada.  Ended up at Panera for our free coffee.

Another dark day.  Lately we have morning temps in low 30. Afternoon temps might reach 40.

This afternoon I took a bike ride.  It is always great to get on bike.  I wear lined pants and wool biking jacket that Helen got me and a visibility jacket.  My standard route is 7 miles. It takes an hour.

Light dinner tonight. We watched an episode or “Reacher” before turning in.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

December 15, 2023

 Friday December 15, 2023

Thank God it is Friday.

This week wore me out.

We followed our normal Friday routine.  Nancy swam and I did calisthenics.

We had our morning coffee at Panera.

After coffee we made a quick run to Meijer’s for supplies.

Today we are not attending Cook Valley’s holiday festival.  The main menu item is salmon and Nancy does not like fish.  I am also tired of all the extra wine and sweets.  For dinner we drove to Cascade Road House for a light sandwich.  

We continue to watch the “Night Manager”.  Following the show Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  It must be end of year because I found the news boring.

Friday, December 15, 2023

December 14, 2023

 Thursday December 14, 2023

Blog time 1300 on Friday sitting at desk in office.

As usual up at 0730.  Nancy and I dressed and headed to MVP.  Treadmill and stationary bike for Nancy and I did calisthenics and 10 minutes on stationary bike.

After MVP we drove to Panera.  Ordered coffee and croissant.  Spent an hour reading the morning papers.  Headed straight home after Panera.

I took a short walk followed by a nap.  Tonight we attended day 4 of the “7 Days of Christmas” festival.  We attended the Cello concert followed by dinner in the main dining room.

Tonight’s menu included Brie & Apple Chicken, Tennessee Cornbread dressing, Tender Broccolini and Mississippi Mud Pie for Dessert.

Tonight we watched and episode of “Hidden Assets”.  After Nancy headed to bed and of course I read the WSJ.

December 13, 2023

 Wednesday December 13, 2023

Blog time 1600 sitting at desk in office.

Up at usual time dressed had a yogurt breakfast before heading to MVP.  Temp was 27 and sunny.  Sun is always great.

I did my calisthenics and Nancy went swimming.  Showered before heading to Panera.  Lately we have been getting scones instead of croissants on days Nancy goes swimming.  

Headed straight home after Panera.  I took a short walk before lunch.  Lunch today was yogurt with granola.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Cook Valley has been holding a “7 Days of Christmas” festival.  Tonight was day 3.  It was called a Grinchmas Party.  The event started at 1615 in the front foyer with cocktails and appetizers. At 1700 dinner was served.  Menu tonight “Roast Beef, Who Hash, with Grinch greens, and chocolate Babka Bread pudding.

After dinner we headed to our apartment. Tonight we watched an episode of “Shetland”.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 12, 2023

 Tuesday December 12, 2023

Over slept today. Did not get up until 0800.  Yogurt parfait for breakfast.  Drove to MVP for our morning workout. 

I did my weekday calisthenics and Nancy walked on treadmill and rode the stationary bike.  I showered, put on lotion and then Nancy and I drove to Panera.

This time of year my skin gets very dry, especially my hands.  We are going to buy a humidifier.  I sure hope that will help.

I am slowly getting over my Thanksgiving cold.  Called Debbie and she is also recovering.  

Temp in 20s this morning but by 1000 it has reached high 30s. We did see some sun today.

Missy texted us saying the boat club she belongs to had a fire.  Don’t know the extent of the damage.

Debbie despite her cold is enjoying retirement.  We will spend time at Debbie’s in January.  Look forward to some bike riding.

Cook Valley is having a “7 Days of Christmas” festival.  Last night was the 2nd night.  Nancy attended a string quartet concert.  At 1700 we had a great dinner with free wine.  The menu was “Smoked Bone-in Pork Chop with Lingonberry Braised Beans & Greens, Herbed Pesto, and Creamy Cheesy Polenta.  Chocolate Peacan Pie for dessert.  

We had dinner with the Moores.  The Moores lived on Gladstone before moving to Cook Valley.

After dinner we watched another episode of “Hidden Assets”.  Nancy then headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

December 11, 2023

 Monday December 11, 2023

Blog time 1550 sitting in office

Up this morning at my usual 0730

Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast

Left for MVP at 0900.

This morning Nancy swam and I did my weekday calisthenics.

MVP was not crowded. 

After MVP we drove to Panera for a cookie and scone.  The cookie today was free.  I read the Michigan papers and checked email.  

After Panera we headed straight home.  My cold is lingering on.  Took a nap.

Tonight we attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the Main Dining Hall.  I had shrimp cocktail with coleslaw.

Tonight we watched a new show “Hidden Assets” on scorn.  I gave it an A-.

After the show Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  I am tired of reading about Hunter Biden.  I not to fond of reading about his father, Joe, either.

Monday, December 11, 2023

December 10, 2023

 Sunday December 10, 2023

Blog time 1230 on Monday Dec 11, sitting in office

Sunday morning up at 0730.  

Fixed a yogurt/parfait for breakfast.

We thought church would be crowded today.  However, most of the staff and church member were absent with the flu.  Nancy and I are slowly getting over our bout.

After church we took a drive.  Today we headed north on Pettis.  It was dark and gloomy with temps in high 30s but the farm houses along our route were decorated for Christmas.  Nancy liked the drive.

We stopped at Panera for coffee.  I took a long afternoon nap.  I did not go outside today but Nancy took a mile walk.

We had a very light dinner tonight.  Watched the “Night Manager” before turning in.

Missy called this evening.  We had a nice talk.  

Debbie is over her bout with flu.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

December 9, 2023

 Saturday December 9, 2023

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up at 0730. Quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The place was crowded.

Nancy had an Omelette with raisin toast. I had oatmeal w/scrambled egg and sourdough toast.

After breakfast we took a drive through Ada Village.  The improvements in Ada Village are impressive.

Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

Nancy made a deposit at LMCU.

Stopped at Ace Hardware.  Purchased a padlock for Nancy’s use at MVP.  She lost her key on Friday so the staff cut her old lock.  I bought a can of WD40.

At home I put up our small Christmas Tree.  Nancy placed several bulbs.  It looks nice.

Today was unseasonably warm.  Temperature at 0800 was 51.  Good grief mid December.

For dinner tonight we drove to “Shepard’s Grill”.  I had the Lake Perch sandwich and Nancy ordered a hot dog.

At home we watched and episode of “Midsomer Murders”.  After Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  

Saturday, December 9, 2023

December 8, 2023

Friday December 8, 2023

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0730.  Headed to MVP.  Nancy swam and I did calisthenics. Another dark gloomy day.  Temps in 30s.

After MVP we drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  Nancy is alway hungry after her morning swim.  We each had a scone.

We ran a few errands before heading home.  This afternoon I took a short nap.

I called Debbie to see how she feeling.  We both caught a Thanksgiving cold and are slowly recovering.  Debbie gave a positive report. 

This evening we attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in dining room.  Tonight Nancy played Mexican Train.  I watched a WWII show on Netflix. After Mexican Train, Nancy went to bed I read the WSJ. 


Friday, December 8, 2023

December 7, 2023

Thursday December 7, 2023

Blog time 1600 on Friday the 8th.  Sitting in office.

Up at normal time, 0730.  No at home breakfast. We have to clear out fast because the cleaning crew comes this morning.

We drive to MVP.  Nancy does her treadmill and stationary bike and I do my calisthenics.  Shower and then head to Panera.  Today we did the Panera near our old condo.  We have some errands to run in that end of town.  

Tonight we are attending a Holiday Party at Meijer Gardens.  It is a semi formal affair.  That means I have to wear a tie.

I located my ties in our basement locker.  Also brought up a relatively unused sports coat.  

Nancy picked out a tie for me.  Nancy really looked great.  We should go our more often.  Left home at 1630.

A large crowd attended the party.  The Gardens was very festive.  Christmas trees from around the world decorated the place.  

The Gardens provided a great selection of food.  I tried the miniature lamb chops and fish and chips.  The dessert selection was also great.

I was surprised that we knew many folks.  Another surprise was I did not have any alcohol.  Don't like to drive at night after several glasses of wine.

We got home at 2130, Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and read the WSJ.

This and that:

I have lost interest in the upcoming election.  Why can't a nation of 300 million only have two old idiots running.  I will again vote for a third party candidate.

I have been following the reporting from the Ukraine and Israeli.

I sure hope Congress funds the war in Ukraine.  

I have been, until recently, a loyal GOP member.  However, the GOP in Michigan is run by idiots.  I now consider myself an Independent.

The weather continues to be dark and gloomy.  Temps in mid 30s.

Today is Pearl Harbor day.  Japan on this date in 1941 made a surprise attack on the Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  I knew several Navy men who were stationed at PH on the day of the attack.  It was terrible.  

How many teenagers today know the story behind the Pearl Harbor attack.  It had a major impact on life in the USA.  


December 6, 2023

 Wednesday December 6, 2023

Blog time 1400, sitting in office

Today is an easy day for Bob and Nancy.  No MVP.

Headed straight to Panera for breakfast.  Nancy had a big sweet roll and I had yogurt parfait.  We read the morning news and enjoyed our coffee.

Today at 1100 Nancy is scheduled to have her Pacemaker checked.  We arrived on time.  The check took about 40 minutes. Everything ok.

This and that:

What is with the attacks on Jewish folks and business USA, especially by young people? It is clear to me that Hamas attacked Israeli. Young folks in USA think Israeli is to blame. They are very stupid about current affairs.  

The dark gloomy weather is getting to me.  Temps in 30s but no snow.

Debbie and my Thanksgiving colds are slowly getting better.

We attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in Main Dining room.  I had the catfish.  It was great.

Watched a show on Netflix.  It was about a blind girl who was skilled using a ham radio.  The show takes place in Germany in 1944.  Look like it will be a good show.

After the show Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

December 5, 2023

 Tuesday December 5, 2023

Another dark gloomy day ahead.  Temps in 30s.  Yucky!

We followed our normal morning routine.  After MVP we ended up at Panera for our morning coffee.

Today Nancy has lunch with Cheryl Boomer and friends.  While Nancy was at lunch I made a quick shopping trip to Forest Hills Foods.  Bought fiber sticks, yogurt, cookies and granola.

This afternoon we attended a party for the folks living on our floor.  Nancy and I took eggnog and apple cider.  Most folks brought dessert.  I filled up on cookies and candy.  The party had about 25 folks in attendance.  No need for dinner tonight.

Last week Chase sent me new credit cards.  My old card expires this month.  I put the card in a safe place.  Wouldn't you know I forgot where I put it.  Tore the office apart with no luck.

The gloomy winter weather is getting to me.  Today I bought tickets for San Jose.  We are spending most of January at Debbies. 

Tonight we watched "All the Light We Cannot See" on Netflix.  Good show. 

Before Debbie retired I had her get me an Apple Laptop.  It was inexpensive.  I am writing this blog on the new machine.

Following our normal evening procedure after watching TV, Nancy headed to bed and I read the WSJ.

December 4, 2023

 Monday December 4, 2023

Up at our usual time of 0730

Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.

Nancy and I drove the Escape to MVP.

Another dark gloomy day with  temps in 30s.

We are still both recovering from our Thanksgiving colds.

Nancy did her Monday swim and I did calisthenics at 50%.

We had morning coffee at Panera.

Read the morning news.  The war in Gaza dominates with side stories about Trump vs Biden and Taylor Swift.

Today my project is to make a payment for Grandson Lucas's UCI tuition.  Years ago I set up a Michigan Education Fund for each of the Grandkids.  

Today I called the fund and they sent a check to UCI.  Very easy.

We attended Happy Hour and then had our dinner in the Main Dining Room.  I had clam chowder and Nancy had a shrimp cocktail.

Tonight we watched "The Night Manager" on Brit Box.  After the Show Nancy headed to bed and I read the WSJ. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3, 2023

Sunday December 3, 2023

Blog time 1600 sitting at desk.

I am so far behind on my blogs that I will write a brief summary.

Debbie arrived from San Jose on the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving morning the three of us drove to Gaylord for Thanksgiving dinner.  21 folks were in attendance. Plenty of turkey and stuffing.  A great time was had by all.  

We stayed the night in Gaylord.  On Friday Debbie drove us home.  We had to take the Fusion because the Escape was still in the body shop.  A downside to Thanksgiving was that we all got the flu.  Bummer!

Debbie left for San Jose on Saturday, 24 November.  We have spent the last week recovering.  We resumed our normal schedule but on a reduced schedule.

Missy and AJ had Thanksgiving dinner at the Boat Club.  They resumed their confusing school schedule last week.  AJ loves the school in San Diego.  Missy is thinking getting permanent digs in San Diego.

Last week was the first week of Debbie’s retirement.  Unfortunately she was sick.

Today Nancy and Bob resumed our normal Sunday routine.  Church was very crowded.  

This afternoon I took a long nap.  It is now 1600 and Nancy is on a walk outside.

Light dinner tonight and then we will watch 60 Minutes.  I hope I never get this far behind on my blog.  Enjoy the Holiday season.