Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday November 1, 2012

It was in the mid 30s when I went out at 0430. I will be glad when we change to Standard Time this weekend. I think I have been sleeping in lately because it is so dark in the morning. If I left home before 0800 I would need to use my bike lights. This morning I did the tri. I really like swimming but I am so slow. Today Stephen's kindergarten teacher was in the lane next to me and his time was much better than mine. It takes me 30 minutes to swim 1,000 yards. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. Folks keep asking me if I get cold riding the bike and my standard answer is "layers". It's true layers of clothing keep one warm. Finally the WSJ started reporting on subjects other than Sandy. They really got fired up about the EU problems especially in Greece and Portugal. I did not read the DFP because I had to be home by 1300. The furnace man was coming to check out our furnace. He was right on time and said everything was ok. This afternoon Nancy has to work at the hospital gift shop. When she gets home we are going to Costco so she can pick up a prescription. We will have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Thursday is a good TV night. We watched "Person of Interest" and "Elementary".

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