Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday November 11, 2012

I am writing this at 2033 on Sunday Nov 11. I had a great weekend. Friday morning I took Ms P out and then after the at home routine I pedaled to the MAC. I am going 1/2 speed today because I have a long drive this afternoon. I did get to the Kava House and had time to read the WSJ and DFP. I got home about 1300. Kim was just finishing cleaning the house. She took Ms P with her when she left. Nancy and I are going to be gone 18 days and Ms P will spent 9 days with Kim and 9 days in a Kennel. This will be the first time we have boarded Ms P. I hope things go well. About 1400 I get in the C2 and drove to Ann Arbor. Steve, Lucas and I are going to the UM/NU football game tomorrow. It will be three generation of Scott men out on the town. Steve and Lucas are flying in from Long Beach, CA later tonight. I checked into the Holiday Inn on Plymouth in Ann Arbor. For dinner I had a hamburger and beer in the bar. Steve and Lucas got in about 0130 on Saturday. They went straight to bed. Saturday morning I quietly get up and head downstairs for coffee. I took my Kindle and read the WSJ. About 0900 Steve gets Lucas up and we all have the Breakfast Buffet offered at the motel. It was really good. It was dark and gloomy at 1000 but we did not think it would rain. We all wore layers in case the weather got bad. If the sun came out we could take off a layer. The motel had a shuttle to the Big House. However, bridge construction made it difficult to get to the game. We stood in line for about 45 minutes and we missed about 8 minutes of the game. This is Lucas's first college football game. I think he was overwhelmed when we walked in the stadium. The attendance was 112, 500. We sat in the south end zone 4 rows up. We had good seats. The sun came out during the game. This is my first time in the Big House since their major renovation. I liked the improvements especially the gigantic TV screens at each end of the field. Since the 1950s I have attend two UM/NU games at the Big House. Both times UM has lost. What a game! It was very exciting. We stood most of the game because the folks in front of us were standing. Everyone around us was very nice and Lucas stood on the bench in front of us to get a better view of the game. We saw a kickoff return that went 100 yards but was called back. We saw some great catches and of course the tying field goal with 2" remaining. This is the first time I have seen, in person, an overtime game. It was exciting. Steve, Lucas and I were really hyped. When the score was tied Lucas was high fiving all the folks around us. The same true when UM won the overtime. We took the shuttle back to the motel and then took a ride around the campus. We had dinner at an Applebee's near the motel. It was filled with UM fans. Sunday morning and I get up and get a coffee and read the DFP on the Kindle. Steve let Lucas sleep in. We had the motel's buffet and then got in Steve's rental and headed to Campus. We walked around Campus. Steve showed Lucas the dorm he stayed in, West Quad. I showed him South Quad where I resided for two years. We also saw the Women's dorm, Betty Barbour, where my Mother stayed in 1924. We walked through the MI Union and stopped in several stores selling UM apparel. Steve bought several items for his girl's in LB. I liked the improvements to the campus that have been made since I attended UM. The campus looked nice and well maintained. We got back to the motel about 1400. I told Steve and Lucas what a great weekend I had with them. I headed home about 1400. I got home at 1730. Nancy fixed soup and hot dogs for dinner. It was good. Today is Veteran's Day so make sure you hug a veteran. Tomorrow when I go to the MAC I will ask all the Vets that I know if they can remember their serial number. About 99% can remember. Also on November 11, 1955 I played my last football game for AHS. It was a home game and we played Hamtramck. We won a high scoring game and finished the season with 6 wins, 1 tie and 2 loses. It was a good season and I was named the team's MVP. I cherish to this day that honor.

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