Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday November 7, 2012

I could not stay up to watch the final election results. I did check some results at 0300 on my itouch. MI had 6 ballot proposals and I was happy with the results on 5 of the proposals. The presidential election was a disappointment. I guess we should not worry because the sun came out this morning and we are experiencing a wonderful fall day. Today is my easy day so I pedaled to Bill's for breakfast. The WSJ was loaded with election stories. I was surprised that the DFP did not have very comprehensive results. Maybe they went to press too early. Like in sports it appears that successful politicians have a rough time coming back after they have retired. The Senate races in WI and NE are good examples. I was glad to see the Hetch-Hetchy proposal to remove SF's water storage dam was defeated. Maybe the folks in SF are smarter than I think. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. Spell check corrected me when I wrote that I "road" (rode) around Reeds Lake. I think that the digital versions of the WSJ and DFP have many grammar errors. The WSJ reported that an Englishman working in China was "an" MI5 agent. I think it should be "a" MI5 agent. Nancy, the English teacher, said in today's world it doesn't matter. When I got home I had just enough time to grab Ms P and take her to the Vet. Ms P had her shots updated. After the Vets we stopped at the Woodland Animal Hospital to finalize Ms P's reservation. She will be boarding from Nov 17 to Nov 26. Kim will pick her up and then deliver her back to us on Monday Dec 3. We get home on Dec 1. I also stopped at Costco to get gas, $3.35 per gallon, and pick up a prescription. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. It is now 1447 and I am heading outside to rake some leaves. I picked up all the leaves in the front yard. I was done in about an hour. Ms P was outside with me but she was very lethargic. I think it was the shots she got from the Vet. I talked to our neighbor, Allen Benet, about last night's election. Allen is fun to talk to because his political views are 180⁰ from mine. He has a good sense of humor and likes to point out the error in my views. Allen has a new beagle named Lillie. Surprising Ms P gets along with Lillie. Nancy has been on the Volunteer Board at Meijer's Garden for two terms (6 years). Today was her last meeting and the Garden's Cafe gave the board a carrot cake in honor of her service. We are going to have wine and chips before our light dinner. We will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

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