Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday November 5, 2012

It was a cold 23 when Ms P and I went out at 0500. This is our first morning with a good frost. After completing my at-home routine I got on my bike and rode to the Kava House. I did not go to the MAC because at 1100 I have to drive Nancy to the doctor. I am glad today is the last day of election ads. The WSJ had a lot of stories on the election. Even a business article was skewed to the impact of tomorrow's election. Of course they also had several stories on Sandy. Did global warming cause Sandy? I got home in time for Nancy to get to her 1130 appointment. After the doctor we headed to the Dollar store so Nancy could by a measuring cup for Ms P's food. We need to provide a cup to the kennel so they can give Ms P the proper portion. We then stopped at the 28th Street Meijer's to get some supplies for this week. After a quick lunch we paid our last quarterly tax and the insurance on our two cars. I tried to pay the auto insurance using their phone system. It was a disaster and I gave up and wrote a check. I walked to the PO to mail the checks. I then went on a 3.5 mile walk. We will have a light dinner and then watch some TV (what's new). We are beginning to assemble some clothes for our SE Asia trip. This Friday I am going to Ann Arbor. Steve and Lucas are flying in and the Scott men are going to the UM/Northwestern game on Saturday. On 14 Nov 61 I wrote a letter to Mom from Port Hueneme, CA. I had been quite busy and I told Mom that on Veterans Day a group of us went to Disney Land. On November 12th I worked at an Air Show at the Pt Mugu Navy Air Base. I saw the Blue Angels. I am going to leave for San Francisco on November 22. I will fly out of SF to Hawaii and then to Midway Island. I have been spending some time getting ready for Midway. I asked Mom to send me some sporting goods that I had at home. Tennis racket, handball gloves and swim fins were several items. In retrospect I should not have asked Mom to do this work for me. The goods were readily available at any Navy Exchange for a reasonable cost. After all an Ensign made $222.30 a month.

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