Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday November 6, 2012

Another cold night and it was very cold, 23, when Ms P and I went out at 0400. Today is my tri day so I did not leave the MAC until 1130. Several people asked me if I had voted and I told them that us old folks can vote absentee. I was surprised that not many folks knew that this privilege was granted us seniors. Speaking of voting the first presidential election I voted in was 1960. I voted for Nixon. Because I was going to college in Ann Arbor and could not get home to Alpena (a 6 hour drive) I was allowed to vote absentee. The WSJ wrote several articles on the political change over in China. It is a very secretive operation. The EU seems unable to solve their money problems. I hope that today's election will set in motion a pragmatic solution to our money problems. I don't think it matters who gets elected. The USA just need some stability. Nancy and I took Ms P on a 1 mile walk and then at 1600 we headed downtown to a paper sale at Design-Design. They make greeting cards and paper products especially for the holidays. The lines were very long. I stood in line while Nancy collected what she wanted to buy. I was in line for over an hour. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then spend some time watching the election coverage. I think there are some interesting races especially Senate races in MA, WI and MO. We have a senate race in MI but the Republican ran a terrible campaign and will lose. MI has six referendums on the ballot. They are very important and I hope cool heads prevail. The San Francisco ballot proposal on the Hetch-Hetchy water storage dam is really interesting. I think only an idiot would vote to remove this water storage dam. But it is SF so who knows. It should be an interesting evening.

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