Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday November 8, 2012

The lethargic state that Ms P was in has gone away. Apparently it just takes time to get over the shots she had yesterday. It was in the 20s when I pedaled to the MAC. Thursday is a tri day. Both the track and pool at the MAC were empty. It took me almost 2 hours to read the WSJ and DFP today. Everyone is trying to analysis the mistakes made by the Republicans. Enough already. When I got home it was almost 1400. I had a quick lunch and then headed to Berger Chevy to get the oil changed in the C2. While waiting in line someone pointed out that I had a headlight burned out. I got a new headlight in addition to the oil change. I spent some time in my office reading mail and packing. About 1630 Nancy suggested we take our 1 mile walk early. It sounded good so we grabbed Ms P and took the walk. It was dark and gloomy. A typical November day. I can remember bridge inspecting in November and the flash on my camera would go off. This was in the middle of the day. Such is November in MI. Today I was watching CNBC and they had a list of places where you don't want to retire. MI was #1 because of the bad economy and weather. I, of course, disagree. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping tonight. It was empty when we arrived but soon filled up. I had a French Dip and Nancy had a prime rib sandwich. Tonight we will read a paper copy of the GRP and then watch "Person of Interest" before retiring. I got my 30' in today did you? Since we will be leaving for SE Asia in a couple of days I thought I would report on some November letters that I wrote to Mom, 50 and 51 years ago. On Nov 27 1961 I wrote Mother that I arrived on Midway Island on Monday the 25th. It was a 4 hour flight from HI to Midway. My tour of duty on Midway was 12 months. On 18 Nov 62, 50 years ago, I wrote Mom that I hoped this would be my last letter from Midway. I wrote that I did not have orders yet but hoped to get them soon. The delay in orders was caused by the Cuban missile crisis. All vacations were cancelled and everyone was staying where they were. I was in a panic mood. I did not want to stay on Midway any longer. I can remember my boss sending a message to the CEC assignment desk asking that I get some orders. They wrote back that they could not get me a Stateside assignment because of the crisis but they had an immediate opening at the construction office in SE Asia. I sent a message back saying get my ass to SE Asia. I had my orders in 24 hours. I had to go to the library to find out where Saigon was. I was glad to get off Midway. I left about the 2nd week in December and got home around the 17th of Dec. It was 75 when I left Midway and -17 when I arrived in Alpena. And that was the life of Ensign Scott, CEC, USNR 50 years ago November.

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