Friday, June 16, 2023

June 9, 2023

 Friday June 9, 2023

Blog time 1730, sitting at Debbie’s dining room table.

Up this morning at 0600.  Sunrise today in SJ was at 0546, temp in 50s.  

Debbie is working at home today.  First thing Nancy and I took Violet on a short mile walk.  

Later we walked to the Donut Shop for coffee and donuts.  Great donuts.  Nancy and I were the only English speaking customers.  Steady stream of customers buying donuts to take to work.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a ten mile ride on the Los Gatos Creek trail.  Once again traffic was heavy on the trail.  The first 5 miles I am pedaling uphill.  The trip home is downhill. Took a quick shower followed by short nap.

Spent quiet evening.  We did take Violet on a mile walk.  Another cool day.   The locals call it June gloom.

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