Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 3, 2023

 Saturday June 3, 2023

Up this morning at 0730.  Quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The place was very busy.  In fact the busiest I have ever seen.

We had our usual.  Western Omelette for Nancy and Oatmeal w/scrambled egg for me.  We both had raisin toast and coffee.

After breakfast we headed to Ada.  Drove around the Village before heading to Panera for morning coffee.

Stopped at Meijer’s for Nancy’s prescription and supplies to take with us on our trip to Ca.  On way home filled the Escape up.  Gas was $3.64.  The Escape get better gas mileage than the Fusion.

Once home I put on bike gear and headed out on a 9 mile ride.  It was very hot, high 80s.  Showered and shaved as soon as I got home.  Took a short nap.

After a light dinner at 1930 we headed down to patio for a marshmallow roast or S’more’s. The event was lightly attended.

For our viewing tonight we watched the last episode of “Shrinking”.

This and that:

The turtles in our swamp have been very active laying eggs.  What is uglier than a snapping turtle?

The war in Ukraine seems to be at a standstill.

President Biden cannot get a break.  Every stumble is instantly recorded.  Although I must say I am 5 years older and do not stumble as much.

China seems to be very aggressive in waters around China and Taiwan.  

I still don’t understand the threat from AI.  

The President and Speaker have done a good job with the debt limit.  Cooler heads have prevailed.

It was still hot when checked the temp at 2200.  Another sunny but cooler day tomorrow.

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