Monday, June 5, 2023

June 4, 2023

 Sunday June 4, 2023

Blog time 1000.

Slept in until 0730.  Dressed, fixed oatmeal breakfast and at 0845 drove to Trinity Lutheran.

Good crowd at Trinity today.  Big push to get parents to sign kids up for Vacation Bible School.  Luckily I never attended.  My Grandfather needed me to work on farm.

After church we headed downtown to check on the Art’s Festival.  The City closed several blocks downtown for booths.  1000 and folks were already arriving.  Perfect day for the Festival.

After a hour’s drive we stopped at Panera for coffee and a croissant.  At 1000 we also stopped at Talbot’s.  Nancy needs a night gown to take to Ca.  No luck.

At home I brought up our suitcases.  Tomorrow we start packing for the Ca trip.

Took a short 8 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride but I did not encounter any other riders.  Showered before lunch.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Tonight we attended Happy Hour.  We sat outside.

Lean cuisine for dinner. Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by Fubar on Netflix.  Fubar stars Arnold Schwarzenegger. I gave it a B+.

Nice weather continues tomorrow.  Sun and temps in low 80s.

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