Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 2, 2023

 Friday June 1, 2023

Blog time Sunday morning the 4th.  Why don’t I have more discipline.

Friday Morning and once again I slept in until 0730.  Boy am I glad it is Friday.  It was sunny and hot, 70 first thing.  High of 90 later. 

Nancy has a busy morning.  At 1000 she is planting flowers for Cook Valley.  At noon she is having lunch with friends.  No swim today.

After oatmeal I biked to MVP.  Once again the place was empty.  I asked and no one knows.  Performed my routine.  I have slowly been increasing my chin-ups and pull-ups.  7 chins and 5 pulls.  

For coffee I biked to Forest Hills Foods.  Bought a bagel and coffee before starting my morning read. Left at noon for home.  Total miles 9.4.

After Nancy’s lunch we headed to Meijer’s for more supplies.  I found time later for a short nap.

It was too hot to have Happy Hour outside today.  We had it in the cafe.  Happy Hour is always well attended.  For dinner tonight I had breaded cod.  Nancy had a salad.  Tonight we ate with a couple from down the hall.  They have been living in Cook Valley for 7 years and are still the youngest in the Building.

Tonight we finished “Shrinking” and “High Desert” on Apple.

The temperature at 2200 was still in 70s.  Before bed I looked out window and saw two turkeys.

Another hot and sunny day tomorrow.

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