Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Solstice, 06/20/08

Another beautiful day. The day after the summer solstice I experience a mild depression, because the days are getting shorter.

Due to all my activity doing yard work this week, my shoulder is sore. So for my afternoon activity I decided to take a bike ride. My ride was on the White Pine Trail. A trail constructed on an abandoned railroad grade. The Trail extends from Grand Rapids to Cadillac. The trip I took was from GR to Rockford, a distance of 12 miles. It was a great day for a ride. A large doe and her spotted fawn crossed the trail within 100 feet.

Bob and Nancy has dinner at the Outback.

1 comment:

kitdem said...

Hi Bob: Enjoy all your free time now, because soon Melissa is going to bring a wonderful grandchild into your life, and the quiet life will never be the same...even better!!!
We may get to know each other in Kazakkhstan. Melissa and I are hoping to be there around the same time.