Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Another nice summer day. Nancy left early this morning to go gambling at Little River Casino. I dropped her off at the bus pick up point.

I stopped by the office to pick up review comments on my last design project. I had a lot of spelling errors, which should come as no surprise to readers of this blog. Must have the corrections made by Wednesday.

Completed my workout later than normal (1100 vs 0930). Ran several errands. The most important being to withdraw money to make a down payment on our last home improvement. We are going to install nine new window. When this project is complete our house will have all new windows.

Must leave soon to meet Nancy at John Ball Park for a band concert. I am bringing the food. We may change the menu if Nancy broke the bank at the Casino.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Bob,
My name is Toni and I met your daughter Melissa online through our yahoo Uzbekistan Adoption Group. I live in Lowell and recently returned home from Uzbek with my 11 year old son. Melissa is an amazing woman and has a wonderful sense of humor. Of course you already know that, but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your daughter and her support. I noticed on your blog you have Alpena weather listed as one of the spots you frequent. I am curious about that as my parents live in the Alpena area. By the way did you know your wonderful daughter volunteered you to bring my family pizza when I was stuck in Uzbekistan a couple of months ago? See I told you she was amazing!