Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday, 06/28/08

Today is warm and humid. Threatening rain all day. This morning after breakfast of oatmeal and reading the NY Times, I decided to go kayaking. Not a hard decision. I have not been on the impoundment caused by the Weber Dam over the Grand River in Ionia County. I checked my handy dandy boat launch map and found a launch near the dam. It was a pleasant ride on gravel roads. On the way I saw numerous deer and noted that the corn will be knee high by the 4th.

I paddled 3 hours on the impoundment. Going from the dam to David Hwy and back. 3 hours is about the maximum time I can spend in the kayak. After 3 hours the 3 B's take over (back, butt and bladder).

Tomorrow, Bob and Nancy are going to Livonia so that Nancy may purchase some items for the hosipital gift shop. We will also go the the Ikea store.

Since we will eat out tomorrow, we have decided to stay home this evening. Nancy will prepare her world famous hot dogs.

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