Thursday, June 19, 2008

First Entry

Thursday, June 19 my first entry in my new blog. My daughter Melissa gave me this blog for Father's Day. June is my favorite month of the year. The days are long and the nights are cool. Two weeks ago I turned in my final design project. I am now fully retired. I am still in the process of sorting out my schedule. This week was easy. Every day Bob and Nancy (my lovely wife) performed some long needed yard work. The work is now complete and the rest of the week is dedicated to biking and kayaking.

Being Thursday, Bob and Nancy are headed to "Great Lakes Shipping" a local restaurant that has a band on Thursdays. Sitting outside and listening to old tunes and drinking beer is ok. Must depart.


Tasha Kent said...

Hope you had a nice dinner! Come visit soon and we'll check out some more taverns.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your retirement! Enjoy your night out, sounds like fun.

Chandra -referred by Melissa

veggiemom said...

Hope you're enjoying retirement. Live it up!!!
Kerri and Ruby

Anonymous said...

Ah the life of a retired person - sounds soooo good. Deb

Julie said...

Go Bob! Congratulations on your retirement!

Kelli said...

Congrats on your retirement!

PS- you have a great daughter!

RamblingMother said...

Saw you from your daughter's blog. Welcome to the blog world. It is a fun place to be at times. Enjoy your retirement.

AhsMom said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Enjoy retirement... congrats to you!

hazel said...

Hello Bob!

Welcome to Blogland. It's a wonderful place - I met your daughter through it and my life has been enriched ever since.

Happy retirement! Just in time to spend oodles of time with your forthcoming grandchild.

Anonymous said...

What a great father's day gift! Enjoy your retirement!

Ranavan said...

Hi Bob!! Welcome to's nice here :)

Happy Retirement although it sounds as if you are anything but with all your goings on...awesome.

Oh ya! I found you because I read your daughter's blog (which I love)
