Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

The last day of June was nice and sunny.
This morning I had to attend the Grand Rapids Building Authority monthly meeting. The staff pointed out that my term on the Authority expires on 07/01/08. The city manager said that he is going to try and get me reappointed in time for the next meeting. No major issues were on the agenda and the meeting adjourned around 1100.

In the afternoon I pulled weeds under our big blue spruce in the front yard. I filled 1 Grand Rapids leaf bag. After pulling weeds I packed up my kayak and spent 2 hours on the Grand River. I paddled from Riverside Park to the 6th Street Bridge and back. It was a pleasant trip.

This evening Nancy and Bob are going to watch the swimming trials.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

Sounds like a better day than the one I had. I was basically glued at my desk.

Tonight I have a sailing race. Should be nice with some wind!