Sunday, June 22, 2008

1st Weekend of Summer

Saturday started sunny and cool. Had huge breakfast at the Brandywine (hotcakes, eggs and cinnamon knot). Decided that the Grand River had receded enough from recent rains that I could paddle upstream with little effort. Put in at Lowell and paddled upstream for 2 hours. It took 1 hour to get back. The 2 to 1 ratio is about right for a big Michigan River.

In the afternoon Nancy and I went to the Reed's Lake Art Fair and then to the Eastown Art Fair. Eastown has a new Cajun eatery in the old Intersection Bar. The food was good. I had blackened catfish with collered greens and Nancy had a Cajun salad.

Sunday started with a swim at our favored club and then on the Miejers to stock up on next week groceries. Nancy prepared poached eggs on English muffins. After all the activity and food I had to have a nap. After the nap, took a short bike ride.

The weather has been perfect.

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