Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

The last day of June was nice and sunny.
This morning I had to attend the Grand Rapids Building Authority monthly meeting. The staff pointed out that my term on the Authority expires on 07/01/08. The city manager said that he is going to try and get me reappointed in time for the next meeting. No major issues were on the agenda and the meeting adjourned around 1100.

In the afternoon I pulled weeds under our big blue spruce in the front yard. I filled 1 Grand Rapids leaf bag. After pulling weeds I packed up my kayak and spent 2 hours on the Grand River. I paddled from Riverside Park to the 6th Street Bridge and back. It was a pleasant trip.

This evening Nancy and Bob are going to watch the swimming trials.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday was cool and humid with scattered showers. Bob and Nancy got up bright and early, had breakfast at Perkins (we had a coupon) and then travelled to Livonia for a trade show. Nancy had to buy some items for the hospital gift shop. Next we travelled to the Ikea store.

On our way back we stopped at the discount mall in Howell. Arrived back home at 1800. Nancy owes me big time.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday, 06/28/08

Today is warm and humid. Threatening rain all day. This morning after breakfast of oatmeal and reading the NY Times, I decided to go kayaking. Not a hard decision. I have not been on the impoundment caused by the Weber Dam over the Grand River in Ionia County. I checked my handy dandy boat launch map and found a launch near the dam. It was a pleasant ride on gravel roads. On the way I saw numerous deer and noted that the corn will be knee high by the 4th.

I paddled 3 hours on the impoundment. Going from the dam to David Hwy and back. 3 hours is about the maximum time I can spend in the kayak. After 3 hours the 3 B's take over (back, butt and bladder).

Tomorrow, Bob and Nancy are going to Livonia so that Nancy may purchase some items for the hosipital gift shop. We will also go the the Ikea store.

Since we will eat out tomorrow, we have decided to stay home this evening. Nancy will prepare her world famous hot dogs.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday, 06/27/08: 2100 houea

Today was hot and humid. Typical morning except I overslept by 30minutes. I have finally figured out that oversleeping is not a big deal. Rain this afternoon. Nancy and Bob went to dinner with the Tom and Linda Moleski.

Michigan type thunderstorms are rolling in. Must turn off computer.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A nice summer day, hot and humid. Today is officially the first day of my retirement. I will only do occasional consulting on an hour by hour basis. No projects over 8 hours. Started the day with my usual routine of exercise at home, bike to the Michigan Athletic Club for chin ups and a run. I then bike to a coffee shop for coffee and an opportunity to read the paper. In afternoon I mowed the grass using my new push reel type mower. Just like when I was a boy. I did raise the setting to make is easier to push.

At 1730 Nancy and Bob visited "Great Lakes Shipping" for an hour of music, beer and sandwiches. We sat outside. Summer is great.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cloudy with chance of rain. The perfect day to sit in front of my computer and finish my project. I completed the project at 1330. I now have to figure out how I want to spend my free time. This will be an enjoyable undertaking.

My priority list is:
  • kayak
  • bike
  • learn Spanish
  • read more books
  • chores around house

I have also been asked to teach 2 seminars at the U of M on bridge design using prestressed concrete beams. I am mulling over this proposal.

I have 2 kayaks, a 12 footer and a 15 footer. When I paddle on local stream I use the 12' kayak because it is easier to handle. With considerable practise I have mastered the J stroke using a canoe paddle. I prefer a canoe paddle because of its light weight and I think it puts less strain on the joints. Presently am using a carbon fiber bent shaft paddle that weighs ounces. I also use the paddle backwards of its intended use. I just tell the purists that it is easier for an old man.

I am rambling too much. Heading outside for a 3 mile walk.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday 06/24/08

Today was sunny and warm. However, I had to finish my project. Spent most of the day in front of the computer (bummer). Did get a call from Carl Walker, an old U of M civil engineer. He asked if I wanted to be in charge of a seminar on precast bridge beams to U on M structural engineers. I am thinking that this is something I can do.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Another nice summer day. Nancy left early this morning to go gambling at Little River Casino. I dropped her off at the bus pick up point.

I stopped by the office to pick up review comments on my last design project. I had a lot of spelling errors, which should come as no surprise to readers of this blog. Must have the corrections made by Wednesday.

Completed my workout later than normal (1100 vs 0930). Ran several errands. The most important being to withdraw money to make a down payment on our last home improvement. We are going to install nine new window. When this project is complete our house will have all new windows.

Must leave soon to meet Nancy at John Ball Park for a band concert. I am bringing the food. We may change the menu if Nancy broke the bank at the Casino.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

1st Weekend of Summer

Saturday started sunny and cool. Had huge breakfast at the Brandywine (hotcakes, eggs and cinnamon knot). Decided that the Grand River had receded enough from recent rains that I could paddle upstream with little effort. Put in at Lowell and paddled upstream for 2 hours. It took 1 hour to get back. The 2 to 1 ratio is about right for a big Michigan River.

In the afternoon Nancy and I went to the Reed's Lake Art Fair and then to the Eastown Art Fair. Eastown has a new Cajun eatery in the old Intersection Bar. The food was good. I had blackened catfish with collered greens and Nancy had a Cajun salad.

Sunday started with a swim at our favored club and then on the Miejers to stock up on next week groceries. Nancy prepared poached eggs on English muffins. After all the activity and food I had to have a nap. After the nap, took a short bike ride.

The weather has been perfect.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Solstice, 06/20/08

Another beautiful day. The day after the summer solstice I experience a mild depression, because the days are getting shorter.

Due to all my activity doing yard work this week, my shoulder is sore. So for my afternoon activity I decided to take a bike ride. My ride was on the White Pine Trail. A trail constructed on an abandoned railroad grade. The Trail extends from Grand Rapids to Cadillac. The trip I took was from GR to Rockford, a distance of 12 miles. It was a great day for a ride. A large doe and her spotted fawn crossed the trail within 100 feet.

Bob and Nancy has dinner at the Outback.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

First Entry

Thursday, June 19 my first entry in my new blog. My daughter Melissa gave me this blog for Father's Day. June is my favorite month of the year. The days are long and the nights are cool. Two weeks ago I turned in my final design project. I am now fully retired. I am still in the process of sorting out my schedule. This week was easy. Every day Bob and Nancy (my lovely wife) performed some long needed yard work. The work is now complete and the rest of the week is dedicated to biking and kayaking.

Being Thursday, Bob and Nancy are headed to "Great Lakes Shipping" a local restaurant that has a band on Thursdays. Sitting outside and listening to old tunes and drinking beer is ok. Must depart.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Father's Day Gift

Written by Melissa, Bob's daughter:

Dad is officially retired from his daily grind as a civil engineer. That is, until he decides to get his hands on another project. But until then, he's officially retired. He spends his days doing what everyone wants to do - living the good life.

Mornings usually start with a 5k row on his Concept 2 erg. He religiously keeps track of his spm (strokes per minute) and time. He's doing great in his age group, which happens to be the most competitive. A bunch of 70+ year young guys with hours to spend pushing their endurance limits. Most of them are also living the good life - rowing around a lake or in an ocean basin during the day.

After his erg workout, he rides his bike to the gym where he runs a few miles, does some gym rat stuff and then pedals to his favorite coffee shop where he reads the NYTimes.

Afternoons are either another bike ride, tooling around the house, or his favorite... throwing his kayak on some river or lake for a few hours. Then it's usually dinner with Mom or being dragged to some social event. He doesn't mind tagging along. As long as they have beer, he's happy. (by the way, he can fluently say 'beer, please' in a few languages.)

In the past few years he's been criss-crossing the globe. When he drove cross country last year, he would send updates to us with his GPS location and musings of what he saw on the road and how great of a country we live in.

Seriously, how can this not be the good life?

Now it's time for him to add 'blogger' to his repertoire and to share his daily (or weekly.. or 'whenever I damned well feel like it) musings.

Here's to you Dad, Happy Father's Day.