Thursday, November 2, 2023

October 30, 2023

 Monday October 30, 2023

Blog time 1305 sitting in office.

Up as usual at 0730.  The was not yet up, 0815.  Temperature in high 30s.

I fixed an oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.  We left for MVP at 0845.  Today is Nancy’s swim day.  I will do my calisthenics and stationary bike ride.

MVP was empty.  Nancy had no problem getting a lane and I completed my routine in record time.  I showered after the workout.

We had our coffee at Panera.  Nancy works up an appetite after her swim.  I bought two scones for us.

We headed home at 1200.  Tonight at 1600 we are attending a Fall Margaritas event in the Harbor Cafe.  Free margaritas for everyone.

Today I ordered a book on line.  When I opened it found out it was in French.  How do I get my money back?

Also found out that internet/TV repair man is available Wed PM.  The volume on our TV remote is not working. We were able to watch an episode of “London Kills”.

2100 Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

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