Wednesday, November 15, 2023

November 14, 2023

 Tuesday November 14, 2023

Blog time 1630 on Wednesday the 15th.

Up this morning at 0545.  Nancy has a 0715 appointment with her cardiologist.  Who schedules an appointment at 0715.

It was pitch black when we left home.  I had to use my night vision glasses.  Still I am uncomfortable driving at night.

Today is going to be another day with unseasonably warm temps.  

We arrived on time and were seen immediately.  No doctor today.  We saw a PA.  I was totally unimpressed with this meeting.  

We decided because of the hour we would make today an easy day, no MVP.  

After the Doctor’s meeting we headed to the Panera near our old Tahoe Dr Condo.  We had coffee and scones.

Followed the Panera stop with a visit to Meijer’s.  Today I also made a stop at Total Wines.  Bought six bottles of my favorite bled and two bottles of my Sister’s favorite.  We will take her wine up to Gaylord next week.

My sinus infection pills are playing havoc with my stomach. This afternoon I tried to nap, unsuccessfully.

We attended Happy Hour tonight.  We originally had dinner reservations tonight with the Moores.  However, Sue Ann was under the weather so they cancelled. For dinner I had a yogurt and Nancy finished her Saturday omelettte.

Tonight we watched two episodes of Yellowstone before turning in.  Nancy is not a fan of this show.  We were both in bed by 2115.


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