Sunday, November 12, 2023

November 11, 2023

 Catch up time, November 2-11

I have gotten so far behind I thought I would write a catchup blog covering 11 days.

November 2, today we took the Ford Escape to the Ford body shop.  The car was damaged in an accident that happened in MVP’s parking lot.  Dinner in the Main Dining room.

November 3,  normal week day activities.  Tonight we attended a Gift Show at Meijer Gardens.

November 4, Saturday:  breakfast at “The Gathering Place”.  Went back to Gardens this evening.

November 5, Sunday.  We set our clocks back and made it to Church on time.  

Monday November 6, 2023:  another typical weekday.  

Tuesday November 7, 2023:  today is Election Day.  We had several school bond proposals on the ballot.  Nancy and I voted absentee.   We alway support local school issues.

Wednesday November 8, 2023:  today we had a meeting with our Financial Adviser at Wells Fargo.  Every thing ok.

Thursday November 9:  Normal day.  MVP, Panera, shopping at Meijer’s.  Dinner in Main Dining room.

Friday November 10,  today was the official recognition of Veteran’s Day.  Not much business activity.  Another dinner at CV.  Watched an episode of Jane Seymour’s show, Harry Wild.

Saturday November 11, 2023:  today is Veteran’s Day.  Breakfast at “The Gathering Place”. I get a bike ride in.

General comments on the last several week.  We had several days of rain but generally the weather was great.  I have been driving Nancy in the mornings but have time for an afternoon bike ride.

We like Harry Wild, Shetland, London Kills.  

I hope I never get this far behind on my blog.  Have a great day.

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