Monday, November 27, 2023

November 16, 2023

 Thursday November 16, 2023

Blog time 1145 sitting at Panera.

Up at 0730.  Morning calisthenics followed by yogurt/granola breakfast.

Drove to Panera.  It was sunny and warm. Temp will reach 60s.

I am finishing this blog on November 27,  I cannot remember what we did on the 16th.  Probably attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the Main hall.

This evening we watched another episode of Shetland.  I think the ones we have been watching lately are reruns.  A good thing about being old is I cannot remember if I had seen it before.

After Shetland Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

November 15, 2023

Wednesday November 15, 2023

Blog time 1640 sitting in office.

Up at our usual time of 0730.

Did the at home calisthenics, took my pills and had yogurt for breakfast.  Instructions for the new pills suggest eating yogurt to settle stomach.

The pills have not yet reduced the sinus infection. I still have balance problems when I walk.

Nancy’s morning routine is different from mine.  Her first activity is playing Wordle followed by several other games.  Nancy does not eat breakfast.

Today is Nancy’s swim day.  Swim schedules at MVP must have changed because Nancy does not have to wait for a lane.

Despite being wobbly from the pills I have no problem doing my MVP calisthenics.  As usual I follow the calisthenics with a shower.

Another unseasonably warm sunny day.  Temp in 60s with sun.

We followed MVP with a trip to Panera.  I ordered two scones for Nancy and I to share.

No lunch today I just snacked on grapes.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Tonight Nancy and I drove to the Timbers restaurant.  We attended an “Over 60” dinner for Trinity Lutheran members. Good crowd tonight, 33.  The only downside was the restaurant’s terrible food.  We got home at 2130 and went straight to bed.

This and that:

Today, Nov 15, is the first day of deer season.  This is a big deal in northern MI but no one at Cook Valley hunts.

Warning for over 80 crowd: do not cut your toenails.  I have cut a toe the last two time I tried to cut.  Very hard to stop the bleeding.  Pay the extra cost and have a pro do the cutting.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

November 14, 2023

 Tuesday November 14, 2023

Blog time 1630 on Wednesday the 15th.

Up this morning at 0545.  Nancy has a 0715 appointment with her cardiologist.  Who schedules an appointment at 0715.

It was pitch black when we left home.  I had to use my night vision glasses.  Still I am uncomfortable driving at night.

Today is going to be another day with unseasonably warm temps.  

We arrived on time and were seen immediately.  No doctor today.  We saw a PA.  I was totally unimpressed with this meeting.  

We decided because of the hour we would make today an easy day, no MVP.  

After the Doctor’s meeting we headed to the Panera near our old Tahoe Dr Condo.  We had coffee and scones.

Followed the Panera stop with a visit to Meijer’s.  Today I also made a stop at Total Wines.  Bought six bottles of my favorite bled and two bottles of my Sister’s favorite.  We will take her wine up to Gaylord next week.

My sinus infection pills are playing havoc with my stomach. This afternoon I tried to nap, unsuccessfully.

We attended Happy Hour tonight.  We originally had dinner reservations tonight with the Moores.  However, Sue Ann was under the weather so they cancelled. For dinner I had a yogurt and Nancy finished her Saturday omelettte.

Tonight we watched two episodes of Yellowstone before turning in.  Nancy is not a fan of this show.  We were both in bed by 2115.


November 13, 2023

 Monday November 13, 2023.

Blog time 1145, sitting in Panera.

Up this morning at 0730.  The sinus infection pills seem to be working.

I took my pills and had a Yogurt w/granola breakfast.  Sun and temps in 50s today.

After breakfast Nancy and I drove to MVP.  Nancy swam and I did my weekday calisthenics.

After MVP we headed to Panera for our morning coffee.  Today being the 13th is also the day I buy a lottery ticket.  Today I bought the ticket at Forest Hills Food.  Also bought skin lotion.

Nancy and I took a short walk this afternoon.  Dinner tonight was in the Main Dining Room.

Watched the last episode tonight of “Harry Wild”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.  

I get mixed signals reading the papers.  First is that the world is heading to disaster.  The other is that the stock market is strong.

Tonight we had dinner in the Main Dining Room.  

We watched an episode of “Harry Wild”.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

Monday, November 13, 2023

November 12, 2023

 Sunday November 12, 2023

Blog time 1100 sitting in Panera

Woke up at 0730, tried to stand up but fell back on bed.  I knew exactly what was wrong.  I have an infection in my left sinus.  The pills our new GP gave me were not working.  I have major balance problems with the infection.

We dressed and headed to Emergency at Blodgett.  The EM Doc knew the pills I was prescribed were wrong. He gave me a prescription for the medicine I had taken in the past.  We drove to Meijer’s and picked up the pills.

No church today or bike ride.  As soon as I got home I took a pill, followed by a long nap.  

After the nap, Nancy and I took short walk around the Big House.  Beautiful day, sun with temps in 50s.

After UM beat Penn State I wanted to knock on the door of a PSU fanatic down the hall and tell him “cheaters win”.  Nancy talked me out of it.

For dinner tonight I had a lean cuisine chicken meal.  It was good.

Tonight we watched “60 Minutes” followed by an episode of “Yellowstone”.  First time I had seen this show.  It was good.

This and that:

I am surprised at all the anti Jewish violence in the USA, especially on elite college campuses.  Of course I never thought any Ivy League school was that great.

Biden and Trump in 24! I never thought we were that stupid.

The last two weeks we have had great weather.  No Frost yet.

Our Ford Escape has been in the body shop for a month.  We were promised it would be finished by the 17th.

I ask residents about Nov 15 and no one knows.  First day of firearm deer season. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

November 11, 2023

 Catch up time, November 2-11

I have gotten so far behind I thought I would write a catchup blog covering 11 days.

November 2, today we took the Ford Escape to the Ford body shop.  The car was damaged in an accident that happened in MVP’s parking lot.  Dinner in the Main Dining room.

November 3,  normal week day activities.  Tonight we attended a Gift Show at Meijer Gardens.

November 4, Saturday:  breakfast at “The Gathering Place”.  Went back to Gardens this evening.

November 5, Sunday.  We set our clocks back and made it to Church on time.  

Monday November 6, 2023:  another typical weekday.  

Tuesday November 7, 2023:  today is Election Day.  We had several school bond proposals on the ballot.  Nancy and I voted absentee.   We alway support local school issues.

Wednesday November 8, 2023:  today we had a meeting with our Financial Adviser at Wells Fargo.  Every thing ok.

Thursday November 9:  Normal day.  MVP, Panera, shopping at Meijer’s.  Dinner in Main Dining room.

Friday November 10,  today was the official recognition of Veteran’s Day.  Not much business activity.  Another dinner at CV.  Watched an episode of Jane Seymour’s show, Harry Wild.

Saturday November 11, 2023:  today is Veteran’s Day.  Breakfast at “The Gathering Place”. I get a bike ride in.

General comments on the last several week.  We had several days of rain but generally the weather was great.  I have been driving Nancy in the mornings but have time for an afternoon bike ride.

We like Harry Wild, Shetland, London Kills.  

I hope I never get this far behind on my blog.  Have a great day.

November 1, 2023

Wednesday November 1, 2023

The first day of November.  We have had a mild fall so far.  The leaves are almost gone.

Wednesday is my easy day.  All calisthenics at 50%.  However, Wednesday is a swim day for Nancy.

After MVP we headed to Panera.

This afternoon a TV repairman stopped by to repair our TV remote and internet connection.  No charge because Internet service is provide by Cook Valley.

We had dinner in the dining room followed some Netflix watching.  Tonight we watched “Shetland”.  We were in bed by 2200.

October 31, 2023

 Tuesday October 31, 2023

Halloween Day.

Blog time 1650 on Thursday Nov 2.

Up the morning at usual time.  Did my morning at home calisthenics.  Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries before heading to MVP.

Today Nancy does the treadmill and stationary bike.  I do my chin/pull ups, sit-ups, deep knee bends and ride the stationary bike for 15 minutes.  Showered before heading out to Panera.

At Panera I ordered two scones and our coffee.  After Panera we drove to Meijer’s for supplies.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  Tonight we had dinner in the Main Dining area.

Watched an episode of “Shetland”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

October 30, 2023

 Monday October 30, 2023

Blog time 1305 sitting in office.

Up as usual at 0730.  The was not yet up, 0815.  Temperature in high 30s.

I fixed an oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.  We left for MVP at 0845.  Today is Nancy’s swim day.  I will do my calisthenics and stationary bike ride.

MVP was empty.  Nancy had no problem getting a lane and I completed my routine in record time.  I showered after the workout.

We had our coffee at Panera.  Nancy works up an appetite after her swim.  I bought two scones for us.

We headed home at 1200.  Tonight at 1600 we are attending a Fall Margaritas event in the Harbor Cafe.  Free margaritas for everyone.

Today I ordered a book on line.  When I opened it found out it was in French.  How do I get my money back?

Also found out that internet/TV repair man is available Wed PM.  The volume on our TV remote is not working. We were able to watch an episode of “London Kills”.

2100 Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.