Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday July 25, 2012

We turned the AC off yesterday. I had trouble sleeping because I don't like a fan blowing on me. Nancy likes a fan blowing full blast. I slept in the room without the fan and suffered. You would think I would learn. Ms P and I went out at 0500 and it was a very nice 70⁰. I finally got up at 0555 because this morning is Breakfast Club. We had a good turnout. The speaker talked about retrofitting homes for old folks. Did you know that the new health care law will pay some of the costs. Nothing is too good for us seniors. We are stealing the young folks blind. After BC I took the Cobalt to the Chevy garage to get an oil change. I no sooner got settled than they were done. I did not get a chance to read my papers. I headed home and got out the lawn mower. I wanted to get the lawn cut before the warm front moved through this afternoon. It was in the 70s when I started and when I finished at 1400 it was in the high 80s. It is now 1630 and the temperature has reached 90⁰. I showered and took a nap. This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens. We are having cereal tonight. This is the first time in a week that we are eating at home. Heavy thunderstorms are suppose to roll through this evening. We might have to give Ms P a pill.

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