Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday July 27, 2012

Friday and I am on my summer schedule. I do all the exercises but no rowing or running. Today I loaded the bike on the Cobalt and headed to Millennium Park. I rode 17 miles in 1h30'. It started to thunder at about mile 14 so I made record time getting to the car. I got rained on but not that much. I then headed to the Kava House to read the papers. I really don't know why the Brits got so mad at Romney. I thought what he said was what we all read in the papers. The Brits are always whining. The WSJ had all the articles on the trouble in Europe but the stock market went over 13,000. I can't figure this out. Today Kim was cleaning the house so I took my time getting home. I stopped at the Harmony Brewery to buy a growler (sp?) of their beer. I have 60 oz of their pale ale in the reefer. We had a heavy storm roll through about 1400. Ms P got a little hyper but I ignored her and we had no big problems. Nancy had to work at the Hospital this afternoon. When she got home we all got in the car and headed to Costco to get our Visa pictures taken. It took about 10 minutes. Nancy's satellite radio stopped working. I used the internet to get a fix from sirius. I will try it tomorrow. Tonight we are staying home so we can watch the Opening Ceremonies. Nancy fixed a crock pot chicken tacos for dinner. They were good. I tried the Harmony Pale Ale and it was not as good as I remembered. We watched the Olympics until almost midnight.

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