Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday July 24, 2012

I am back to reporting on our normal routine. It is still hot and we had the AC on all night although Nancy turned it off at noon. Ms P and I got up at 0500, I went back to bed and then got up at 0700. Nancy had her normal Tuesday MAC schedule. I did the at home routine including trying to row 2k in under 9'. I was not successful, 9'10". I rode the bike to the MAC and I ran 1 mile and then swam 1050 yards. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House and read the WSJ and DFP. I still cannot figure out the Euro problems. After a quick lunch I took the Taurus and got it washed. I also bought some dog food for Ms P. Now that Ms P is Bob and Nancy's dog I got a license last week. I also did not mention in yesterdays blog that Steve had his 39th birthday on the 18th. Happy Birthday Steve. Tonight Nancy and I are working at a concert at the Gardens. After work we will have a picnic and listen to the music. Tonight they have local talent and the concert is free to Garden members. We started at 1645 and did not stop until nearly 2000. The facility was at capacity. It was a beautiful evening for a concert. We stayed until 2100. When we got home I finished the GRP and then headed to bed. It is 2200 and the temperature is 80⁰. Tomorrow I have breakfast club.

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