Sunday, July 29, 2012

Saturday July 29, 2012

Nancy and I stayed up too late watching the Olympics because we both slept in until almost 0800 (I did take Ms P out at 0530). I rode the bike to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. When I got home Nancy was watching an Olympic bike race. We can get Olympic events on 5 channels. The bike race was won by a rider from Kazakhstan. I took a long bike ride this morning. I rode through Ada and Cascade logging 19 miles. After a quick lunch I watched some Olympic events. At 1600 Nancy and I attended an open house for Becky Verker and her new husband Ken. We met a lot of parents whose kids were classmates of our kids. It was a good time. It is now 1915 and I am heading downstairs to watch some more Olympics. While watching the Olympics on TV and waiting for the 400 IM with Mike Phelps I was scrolling through my itouch and saw that Mike Phelps had placed 4th. The TV showing of the race was anticlimactic. We watched until 2200 before heading upstairs. The weather has been great. We did not need the AC today.

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