Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 4, 2023

Wednesday January 4, 2023

Up with 0530 alarm.  Today I have Breakfast Club starting at 0700.

Temperature was 39 with heavy fog and drizzle.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  Traffic on freeway was light.

Today we had 24 folks in attendance.  Breakfast was scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, mini scones and fruit.  Very good.

Today’s speaker was head of the infectious disease unit at St Marys.  He talked about influenza, RSV, Covid, etc.  Good talk.  My take away.  Stay current on vaccines and wear a mask when asked to.

Came straight home.

Today two movers came.  They worked from 1000 to 1530.  We have full boxes all over the house.  Chaos until 12 Jan when we move.

We are giving nephew Jason my old shotgun, a revolver Dad gave me which I have never used and a wool toggle coat.  Also included is Nancy’s old Apple desk top.  Jason is coming next Monday to pick up.

I made a quick trip to Staples to purchase a flash drive.  Missy downloaded all the photos on the Apple desktop.

1530 drove Missy and AJ to airport.  We cannot thank Missy enough for her help.

For dinner we continue to finish the leftovers from our cancelled New Years meal.  After dinner we cleaned out the reefer including the rest of the New Years meal.

Debbie called tonight.  We told her about all the full boxes of stuff going to Porter Hills.  Debbie said it had rained all day today in San Jose.  Part of the “Bomb Cyclone”?

We watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”. Checked     Courtyard before bed, pitch black with temp in mid 30s.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

January 3, 2023

Tuesday January 3, 2022

Once again I lost Tuesday’s blog just as I was ready to post.

Quick recap of Tuesday.

First thing this morning I drove to Panera for coffee for Nancy and Bob.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast.

At 1000 the movers are coming to start packing for our Jan 11 move to Porter Hills.  The reason for the early pack is because the boss will not in GR on the original move date of Jan 11.  Under my better judgement I allow them to start packing.  Only the boss was here today.  It was a mess.

Missy who was a great help this week took notes on what had to be done to make the move a success.  She purchased attachments for the floor and table lamps so no chords would be underfoot.  Also ordered via Amazon some rolling clothes hangers.

Meals this week were hit or miss for Bob and Nancy.  Missy fixed AJ several ramen noodle meals.  Missy was big on fixing poached eggs which she ate with fried ham.  

No TV tonight.  Checked the Courtyard before bed.  It was very dark with drizzle.  Heavy fog tomorrow.

January 2, 2022

 Monday January 2, 2022

Blog time 1020 at Panera.

Up at 0700.  Dressed and headed to the Y.  The Y was jammed today.  I walked 1.5 miles before heading to Panera.

At Panera ordered yogurt parfait and bagel. Finished yesterdays blog and started todays before heading home.

We continued clearing out our condo.  First thing, Missy and I emptied a large book, 7’ high, wood book shelf and took it to Good Will.  

We were going to take Nancy’s Apple Desk top computer to Good Will.  However, I plugged it in and found it works great.  We will give to my nephew Jason.  Jason also wants my old shot gun my Dad got for me, and a 22 caliber revolver .  He will pick up on Monday the 9th.

For dinner tonight we continued our assault on the remains of out New Years dinner.

No TV tonight.  Nancy and Missy spent some time talking about the Good Old Days.  I finished reading the WSJ.

Still mild and wet when checked Courtyard.  Mild weather continues.


Monday, January 2, 2023

January 1, 2023

 Sunday January 1, 2023

Blog time 1945 sitting in den

Up at 0700 and head to Panera.  I was Panera’s first customer of new year.  Got coffee and bagel for me and just coffee for Nancy.  

Nancy did not want to go to church this morning.  I went by myself.  Church was nearly empty.  Pastor Bob gave a great New Year homily.

Drove straight home after church.  First project today was to read Grand Rapids Press.  It took only an hour.  I enjoy reading year end recaps of 2022 big stories.  

I did spend some time figuring out next week’s  schedule.  We have 12 days before we move into the new apartment.  

Today was another mild cloudy day.  No sun.  Temps in 30s. This afternoon took a 2 mile walk.  The streets were empty encountered no other walkers.

The Big Ten had bad football weekend.  Both UM and OSU lost.

Around 1400 Missy noted deer in backyard. I had not yet put out corn.  Ran downstairs and threw out ten ears.  Six deer fought for the cobs.

Today our Governor was sworn for her 2nd term.  For the first time in 40 years the Dems control both the State’s House and Senate.  The GOP has only itself to blame.  They ran a poor slate of candidates.

In the US House will GOP CA Rep Kevin McCarthy be the new speaker?  He has some competition.

For dinner tonight we continue to finish off our Christmas meal.  Maybe two meals left.

Tonight we watched “Glass Onion: A knives out Mystery”.  I gave it a B but Missy and Nancy gave it an A.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We had a nice long talk.

A check of Courtyard before bed.  Temps above freezing.  

Sunday, January 1, 2023

December 31, 2022

 Saturday December 31, 2022

Blog time 1800 on New Years Day

Saturday morning we all drove to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  Surprised the place was empty.  Food was good.

Weather was in 30s.  We have not had a sunny day in a long time.

Today we continued preparing for our move.  Several trips to Good Will.

No walk today.  Stayed inside all day.

For dinner we continued eating leftovers from our Christmas dinner.  Missy, Nancy and I watched a movie on Netflix, “Bullet Train”.  Bloody but entertaining.

Light drizzle when checked Courtyard.  

December 30, 2022t out

Friday December 30, 2022

This morning Nancy went swimming at MVP.

I visited the Y and walked 30 minutes.

Stopped at home and Missy and AJ were still sleeping.  I went to Panera alone.  Ordered a yogurt parfait and bagel.  Did some reading before heading home/

This afternoon we continued getting ready for our Jan 12 move.

For dinner we drove to Schnitz’s Deli in Ada for dinner.  The place was crowded and the food good.

At home we watched an episode of Vera. 

It has been above freezing all day. We put out corn for deer but too dark to see any action.

Same oh same oh when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Mild weather continues.

Debbie has been FaceTimeing us most evenings.

December 29, 2022

 Thursday December 29, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in Den on New Years Day

Once again I lost my completed blog.  Neither Missy or I could figure out where it went.  

Quick recap.

Nancy had her pacemaker checked out this morning.  Missy drove her.  Everything ok.

Walked 30 minutes at Y.  After I stopped at home to take AJ to Panera.

This afternoon Missy, Nancy and I visited our new apartment at Cook Valley.  We took measurements.  Confident that most furniture will fit.

For dinner we had leftovers from our delayed Christmas dinner. Watched an episode of “Midsomer Murder”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Every thing ok.