Saturday, February 24, 2024

February 4, 2024

 Saturday February 24, 2024

Blog time 1230 sitting in office

It has been over a month since my last blog.  We got back from Ca earlier this month.  

The weather in GR has been unseasonably warm.  I even rode my bike on several days.  

It took me several weeks to get caught up on paper work since our month in Ca.  January in Mi is noted for lack of sun but this February we have had a lot of sun.  

Spring must be early this year.  The robins and sand hill cranes are back.  The days are getting longer.  Tomorrow we will have 12 hours of daylight.

We woke up this morning to bright sun but the temp was a cold 14.  Following our normal Sat routine we drove to “The Gathering Place” for Breakfast.  Nancy had an omelette and toast.  I had oatmeal, egg and toast.  After a short ride we stopped at Panera for coffee.

It was such a nice day we also stopped at Breton Village.  Nancy bought a sweater and skirt at Talbots.  I bought a sweatshirt at Lululemon.  

As soon as we got home Nancy started the laundry.  I took a short walk before blogging.

Our week day schedule includes morning work out at MVP followed by coffee and scone at Panera.  Afternoons for me will include a short nap followed by a walk.  Nancy does some reading and she might accompany me on my walk.

Every weekday evening we attend Happy Hour usually followed by dinner in the dining room.  After we usually watch a show on Netflix, Acorn or BritBox.  After the show Nancy heads to bed and I finish the evening reading the WSJ on my laptop.

January 17, 2024

 Wednesday January 17, 2024

Blog time 1530 sitting in Debbie’s dining room.

Woke this morning to pleasant temperature and clear skies.  Checked temperature in GR and it was 10, 40 degrees colder than SJ.  

I start every morning taking Debbie’s dogs for a 1.2 mile walk.  Debbie lives in a nice SJ neighborhood called Willow Glen.

After the walk Nancy and I walk to Starbucks for our morning coffee and bakery treat.  The Starbucks is located on a busy road so we see a lot of folks grabbing a quick coffee on way to work.

My bike ride is after our Starbucks visit.  I have a standard route.  It is 9 miles and takes about an hour.

Spending January in Ca is a great way enjoy some sun and get out of cold.  Unfortunately we will depart Ca on Feb 4.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

January 15, 2024

Monday January 15, 2024

Today is Daughter Debbie’s Birthday.  It is also a national holiday, Martin Luther King’s birthday.

We arrived in San Jose on January 4, 2024.  We left a gloomy cool Grand Rapids, high temps in 30s.  The weather in San Jose has been better than GR.  Highs in low 50s and morning temps in 40s.  Today the high was 55 and tomorrow we will wake up to 46.   Checked today’s GR morning temp and it was 10.  BRR!  

We have established a routine in SJ.  Up at 0730 I take Debbie’s two dogs for a mile walk.  After the walk,  Nancy and I walk to Yum Yum Donuts for breakfast.  It is 0.70 miles to Yum Yum.  

We drink our coffee and eat our treats before heady home. Today we changed our routine.  We walk to Starbucks for coffee and a bagel.  Starbucks is same distance as Yum Yum.  I get coffee and a bagel.  Nancy gets a scone.

Every day about noon I take a 9 mile bike ride.  I started riding my old single speed Nishiki that I shipped to SJ several years ago.  

The bike has a very short wheel base, 29”, and narrow tires. However, after several days I found that my balance has declined.  I kept crashing into the chain link fence that lines the very narrow bike path located under the freeways.  It was embarrassing when fellow bike riders came to my aid. 

I switched to Debbie’s bike which has five speeds and a 31”wheel base.  A big improvement.

We have only eaten out 3 times since we arrived.  Debbie has been fixing Dinner usually meat and a salad.  Tonight will be an exception. We will eat at Panera.  Sound familiar.

Tonight after watching the news we watched the “Chelsea Detective” on Brit box.  I have not kept up with the news since arriving.  Prince Harry, Taylor Swift, and of course Trump dominates.

Monday, January 15, 2024

December 31, 2023

 Sunday December 31, 2023

Blog time 1600, sitting in office.

New Year’s Eve Day.  Looked out the window and saw it was another yucky day.  Light mist with temps in high 30s.

We headed out at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  Very light crowd.  We have a substitute pastor.  He seemed old and confused but gave a great homily.  I told him so.

Tonight at 1700 we are attending a Cook Valley Pot Luck.  We ordered cookies at Sugar Mamma’s.  They are really good.  Pot Luck starts at 1700.

Both Nancy and I took separate walks this afternoon.  On both walks we encountered light mist.  

Our recent weather has been dark and gloomy.  However, I checked last year’s blog and the weather was the same.  Yucky.

I have not been very good about writing my blog.  I blame it on the fact that Nancy cannot drive so I spend about an hour each day driving her.  Pretty lame excuse.

I have not watched any recent football games.  I have lost all interest.  The same with politics.

On January 4, we are heading to San Jose, Ca.  We will stay January with Debbie.